
    git: {
        commit: {
            time: "2020-06-16T11:03:15Z"
            id: "25933f2"
        branch: "25933f2a3c3ba587b984e5c331f1ef45d04d4e19"
    build: {
        version: "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
        artifact: "start-site"
        name: "start.spring.io website"
        versions: {
            initializr: "0.9.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"
            spring - boot: "2.3.1.RELEASE"
        group: "io.spring.start"
        time: "2020-06-16T11:05:20.496Z"
    bom - ranges: {
        azure: {
            2.0 .10: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE and <2.1.0.RELEASE"
            2.1 .10: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE and <2.2.0.M1"
            2.2 .4: "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.M1 and <2.3.0.M1"
            2.3 .1: "Spring Boot >=2.3.0.M1"
        codecentric - spring - boot - admin: {
            2.0 .6: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M1 and <2.1.0.M1"
            2.1 .6: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.M1 and <2.2.0.M1"
            2.2 .3: "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.M1"
        solace - spring - boot: {
            1.0 .0: "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1"
            1.1 .0: "Spring Boot >=2.3.0.M1"
        solace - spring - cloud: {
            1.0 .0: "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1"
        spring - cloud: {
            Finchley.M2: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M3 and <2.0.0.M5"
            Finchley.M3: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M5 and <=2.0.0.M5"
            Finchley.M4: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M6 and <=2.0.0.M6"
            Finchley.M5: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M7 and <=2.0.0.M7"
            Finchley.M6: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RC1 and <=2.0.0.RC1"
            Finchley.M7: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RC2 and <=2.0.0.RC2"
            Finchley.M9: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE and <=2.0.0.RELEASE"
            Finchley.RC1: "Spring Boot >=2.0.1.RELEASE and <2.0.2.RELEASE"
            Finchley.RC2: "Spring Boot >=2.0.2.RELEASE and <2.0.3.RELEASE"
            Finchley.SR4: "Spring Boot >=2.0.3.RELEASE and <2.0.999.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"
            Finchley.BUILD - SNAPSHOT: "Spring Boot >=2.0.999.BUILD-SNAPSHOT and <2.1.0.M3"
            Greenwich.M1: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.M3 and <2.1.0.RELEASE"
            Greenwich.SR6: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE and <2.1.16.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"
            Greenwich.BUILD - SNAPSHOT: "Spring Boot >=2.1.16.BUILD-SNAPSHOT and <2.2.0.M4"
            Hoxton.SR5: "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.M4 and <2.3.2.BUILD-SNAPSHOT"
            Hoxton.BUILD - SNAPSHOT: "Spring Boot >=2.3.2.BUILD-SNAPSHOT and <2.4.0.M1"
            2020.0 .0 - SNAPSHOT: "Spring Boot >=2.4.0.M1"
        spring - cloud - alibaba: {
            2.2 .1.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1"
        spring - cloud - services: {
            2.0 .3.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE and <2.1.0.RELEASE"
            2.1 .7.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE and <2.2.0.RELEASE"
            2.2 .3.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.3.0.M1"
        spring - statemachine: {
            2.0 .0.M4: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RC1 and <=2.0.0.RC1"
            2.0 .0.M5: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RC2 and <=2.0.0.RC2"
            2.0 .1.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE"
        vaadin: {
            10.0 .17: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M1 and <2.1.0.M1"
            14.2 .1: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.M1 and <2.4.0-M1"
        wavefront: {
            2.0 .0 - SNAPSHOT: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE"
    dependency - ranges: {
        okta: {
            1.2 .1: "Spring Boot >=2.1.2.RELEASE and <2.2.0.M1"
            1.4 .0: "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.M1 and <2.4.0-M1"
        mybatis: {
            2.0 .1: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE and <2.1.0.RELEASE"
            2.1 .3: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.RELEASE and <2.4.0-M1"
        geode: {
            1.2 .7.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.M5 and <2.3.0.M1"
            1.3 .0.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.3.0.M1 and <2.4.0-M1"
        camel: {
            2.22 .4: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.M1 and <2.1.0.M1"
            2.25 .1: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.M1 and <2.2.0.M1"
            3.3 .0: "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.M1 and <2.4.0-M1"
        open - service - broker: {
            2.1 .3.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.0.0.RELEASE and <2.1.0.M1"
            3.0 .4.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.1.0.M1 and <2.2.0.M1"
            3.1 .1.RELEASE: "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.M1 and <2.4.0-M1"
Last modification:June 17, 2020